Little ways to improve your life

This has been a blog post idea that has been rattling round in the back of my mind for quite some time now, so I’m very pleased to finally be sharing it! I thought I would make a list of a few things which have really helped to improve my everyday health – both mental and physical. If you’re interested, please read on!

Exercise each day

Most days for the past…however many months/years, I have been doing at least half an hour of exercise each day. The reason for this was because I stopped playing sports regularly and I needed a way to stay fit. However, even though that was my main reason at first, now I exercise because it makes me feel awake and gives me more energy. Even if you just go for a walk, getting fresh air is one of the best things for you in life! Whether it is in the morning before you start the day or in the evenings when you are winding down, it is so important to keep yourself active. Doing exercise also releases endorphins in your brain. These are basically happy chemicals which induce feelings of pleasure or euphoria.

Sleep routine

Out of all five, this is definitely the favourite on my list. I cannot recommend this enough – especially to people who have a full time job or go to school/college. Or if you just have a generally busy and active life! There are a few things you can do to maintain a healthy sleep routine. The most obvious is probably going to bed at a reasonable time. This should also be paired with getting up at more or less the same time each day. Maintaining a consistent routine can help you feel more energised and awake. Other tips include no technology from an hour before bed time and no coffee after 4/5 o’clock!


When I refer to meditating I am not thinking of sitting with your legs crossed singing ‘om’ over and over. Rather, I am referring to simply having some quiet time at the end of the day. Whether this is done by reading a book, listening to music or simply breathing deeply, it’s always nice to have some time to yourself at the end of the day. If I didn’t do this each day I would probably explode – life can be so crazy and fast sometimes!


Finally, this is something I have been working on for a few months. I feel like life can pass us by very quickly without us really noticing or thinking about it. We’re a generation who is constantly thinking about the next thing; the next trip, the next career move, the next goal. It’s good to take a step back every once in a while and enjoy the journey. This includes thinking about the thinks we’re grateful and thankful for! 

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